
Bible verse about the seven spirits of god
Bible verse about the seven spirits of god

He is One who stands by you to defend you. Stand-by = He is our Stand-by, Upholder, and Encourager. He is our strength and He wants to us to strengthen others through us. He wants to make us strong and to increase our capacity. He wants to enable us to endure various obstacles. Strengthener = He is One who gives power and support to us. He intercedes for us and wants to intercede for others through us. He will plead in favor of us and "fill the gap" for us. Intercessor = He is One who prays and makes intercession for us. He will plead our case before the Father as well as pleading our case in the presence of our enemies. He wants to be our helper and He wants to help others through us (He.13:6 Ac.1:8).Īdvocate = He is the One who vocally supports us. We can be bold and know that there is no need to fear anything or any body.

bible verse about the seven spirits of god

He ?takes hold together with by association and companionship' (Rm.8:26-27). I would hate to even attempt to live a Christian life without the Holy Spirit as my helper. He is the One who helps and supports us in all our doings.


Helper = He is the only One who can lead us and show us how to live.

bible verse about the seven spirits of god

He offers counsel to us and wants to offer counsel to others through us. His counsel produces wisdom and will stand eternally. He knows your future, therefore is able to provide the best counsel. He is the One who has the ability to perceive and therefore advise wisely. He wants to comfort us as well as comfort others through us.Ĭounselor = He is our aid and advisor. There is no reason for any Christian to be lonely or bored. THERE ARE SEVEN MINISTRIES OF THE HOLY SPIRITS! (Jn.14:2,26-amp)Ĭomforter = He is one who is called along our sides. So Seven Spirits could be seen as another name or title for the Holy Spirit. By these seven spirits, not seven created angels, but the Holy Ghost is to be understood. It sometimes is to be taken figuratively, to denote completeness or perfection. Seven was a sacred number in the Jewish church: but it did not always imply a precise number. The term 'Seven Spirits' denotes the plurality of the Spirits workings and the fullness of His operations. THE PLURALITY AND FULLNESS OF THE SPIRIT'S WORKINGS! He is seen as providing peace to the heart of a believer (Ga.5:22 Ep.4:3). He is actually called the Spirit of Grace (Ze.12:10 He.10:29). There are several other Scriptures that refer to grace and peace as being associated with the Holy Spirit. Revelation 1:4 mentions that Grace and Peace was coming from the Seven Spirits of God. THE HOLY SPIRIT IS THE SOURCE OF BOTH GRACE AND PEACE! Seven is one of the most commonly mentioned numbers in the Holy Bible. In the book of Revelation we see seven churches, seven spirits, seven seals, seven trumpets, seven angels, seven bowls, and many other mentions of the number seven. John wrote the Book of Revelation to Seven Churches in Asia. Paul wrote epistles to seven New Testament Church groups. Jesus instructed His disciples to forgive seventy times seven times. The prophet Daniel foresaw seventy groups of seven years. God rested on the seventh day & instructed His followers to do so also. It is nearly always given in reference to divine things. The number seven is frequently seen throughout Scripture as "God's Number". SEVEN IS GOD'S NUMBER OF PERFECTION OR COMPLETENESS! Between these two members of the Godhead is mentioned the Seven Spirits. In the next verse, John continues by mentioning, "and from Jesus Christ, the faithful Witness". First John makes a reference to the Father as "the One Who is, Who was, and Who is coming" (Rv.1:4). One reason that I have that makes me believe that John is referring to the Holy Spirit here is because it places the fullness of the Godhead into the picture. I will present these seven reasons in no particular order.

bible verse about the seven spirits of god

There are at least seven reasons to believe that this is a reference to the Holy Spirit. John's reference to the Seven Spirits has to be referring to the Holy Spirit. Most Christians agree that there is only one Spirit of God, usually known as the Holy Spirit of the Holy Ghost. Revelation 1:4 speaks of the Seven Spirits of God.

Bible verse about the seven spirits of god